Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2020
Free-of-charge all-videoconferencing edition on Wed Sept 30
OKLAHOMA SUPERCOMPUTING SYMPOSIUM 2020 Wed Sep 30 2020, 9:00am-5:00pm Central Time Our first all-videoconferencing edition! Contact: Henry Neeman (hneeman@ou.edu) http://symposium2020.oscer.ou.edu/ Please feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested -- undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, professionals, colleagues etc. If you've received this note in error, or you've already registered, please ignore it, or forward it to others. DETAILS: Are you interested in the FREE Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2020 on Wed Sep 30, live via videoconferencing all day? SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE: * Amy Friedlander, National Science Foundation Office Director (Acting), Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure * John Shalf, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Department Head for Computer Science * Dan Stanzione, Texas Advanced Computing Center, U Texas Austin Executive Director * Tom Lange, Technology Optimization & Management LLC For the 2020 Symposium, we've already had: * 50 registrations in under 15 hours; * 100 registrations in under 19 hours; * 150 registrations in less than a week; * 200 registrations in less than a month! Over the past 18 Symposia, we've had over 4500 attendees from 127 academic institutions from 28 US states and territories, 178 private companies, 36 government agencies (federal, state, municipal, foreign) and 21 non-governmental organizations. The 2019 Symposium had 175 attendees, from l7 academic institutions in 5 states, 11 private companies, 8 government agencies and 3 non-governmental organizations. We'd be delighted to have you participate. It's a great way to learn what's happening on the advanced computing side of your research, teaching and professional areas. And, if you know of students -- graduate, undergraduate, community college, career tech, high school -- who are interested in these areas, this is a great opportunity to introduce them to conferences, especially because it's FREE. Contact: Henry Neeman (hneeman@ou.edu) Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER) Associate Professor, Gallogly College of Engineering Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Computer Science OU Information Technology The University of Oklahoma
Posted: September 10, 2020, 8:54 AM