Taki Downtime Completed
To All Taki Users,
The taki.rs.umbc.edu cluster is now back online.
User node taki-usr1 is available for users to access the cluster environment.
The batch, interactive, and high_mem partitions are available. The remaining partitions will be brought online in the next day.
Please note that there were updates to various aspects of the cluster environment as a part of this upgrade. Therefore some software packages compiled by groups or individual users may need to be recompiled.
If anyone has issues running jobs, please submit an RT ticket with as much information as possible in the usual way. That is, navigate to hpcf.umbc.edu, then select "HPCF Help Request Form" from the "Forms" dropdown menu.
Thank you for your understanding,
Roy Prouty
HPCF System Administrator
Research Computing Specialist
Posted: January 26, 2021, 7:12 PM