VoiceThread Assignment Features
New options and workflow for VoiceThread assignments
As announced last semester, a redesigned VoiceThread (VT) assignment tool is now live. The new interface provides new features with streamlined workflows and enhanced options. Clear, dynamic checklist requirements, grading requirements, and submission status are all new features of the new VoiceThread assignment tool.
In addition to determining the playback and sharing settings for all VT assignments, instructors may now automatically have edit access to student-created VoiceThread submissions. A new Student Gallery option provides students with a central area to see all VoiceThreads for a single assignment, allowing them to view and comment on their peers’ submissions.
Faculty may set start dates and due dates for VT assignments, which hide activities before you are ready for students to see them. New grading features are also available including checking the status of student submissions as unattempted, in progress, or submitted. Automatic reminders to submit can be sent to students. Grading is done with the VoiceThread interface and will automatically synchronize with Blackboard’s gradebook. Grading is based on a percentage-based or pass/fail format.
Faculty who would like to learn more about the new VoiceThread assignment may wish to review these tools:
Review the new assignment features in this VoiceThread training recording
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Posted: February 3, 2021, 9:29 AM