Account Data Breach: START
Russian streaming service impacts over 7 million accounts
In August 2022, news broke of an attack against the Russian streaming service "START". The incident led to the exposure of 44 million records containing 7.4 million unique email addresses. The impacted data also included the subscriber's country and password hash. START subsequently acknowledged the incident in a Telegram post and stated that the data dated back to 2021.
One UMBC account was a victim of this breach. The victim is being notified via their UMBC email and/or their alternate email. If you have an account with START, please contact them to see if you have been affected by this breach. To see if you were involved in any other breach visit:
More about the START data breach:
If you have any questions or concerns, email us at
Information about this breach was provided to us by Have I Been Pwned (HIBP).
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Posted: November 4, 2022, 3:08 PM