Unscheduled Downtime for taki-usr1
To all taki users,
At 12:10PM taki-usr1.rs.umbc.edu of the taki cluster environment became unavailable for a few minutes. This login node was available again at 12:16PM. Any running sessions on this node at the time of the reboot were lost. No scheduled jobs were affected.
We are working to determine the cause of this unexpected downtime and apologize for any interruption to researchers' workflows.
We are working to determine the cause of this unexpected downtime and apologize for any interruption to researchers' workflows.
While we don't expect this behavior in the future, remember that taki-usr2.rs.umbc.edu is also available as a login node for the taki cluster environment.
As always, it is important that all users run compute-intensive jobs through the SLURM scheduler so as to not create unnecessary load on the login nodes. Further, if you have experienced any other issues during this time--or have any other questions, comments, or concerns--please submit a descriptive help request via the form found at the following link.
Roy Prouty
HPC System Administrator
Posted: April 13, 2023, 12:34 PM