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Migration Timeline of HPC Hardware to chip

The DoIT Research Computing Team has deployed a new High-Performance Computing Cluster, chip. This new cluster is better equipped to handle the variety of research workflows than ada or taki. The chip cluster has an updated software stack, redundant and more reliable head nodes, and a high-speed connection to the newly deployed ceph storage cluster which provides more than 2PB of storage within Retriever Research Storage (RRStor).

With the chip cluster now available to contributing faculty, the DoIT Research Computing Team will begin to migrate the older CPU and GPU hardware from ada and taki to chip. The timeline for this migration is separated into three phases.

Phase 1: February 20 - March 2

  • All users and groups will be duplicated on chip as they exist on ada & taki

  • Deploy of new RT form for account & group creation on chip

  • All account, group, and software requests will be redirected to chip

Phase 2: March 3 - April 2

  • All ada & taki users will be able to login to ada, taki, & chip

  • Half of the machines from ada & taki will be migrated to chip

Phase 3: April 3 - April 10

  • All login access to ada & taki will be removed

  • The remaining machines from ada & taki will be migrated to chip

We know this transition may be disruptive to current research groups using the cluster and apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please note that all research storage available on ada or taki is available on chip.


Posted: February 20, 2025, 1:58 PM