Blackboard Maintenance Scheduled Friday Jan 30, 12:01 AM-6AM
Blackboard will be offline from 1AM - 5AM during this period
Blackboard engineers will perform infrastructure maintenance at the datacenter where we are hosted on Friday, January 30, 2015 from 12:01 AM - 6AM.
Blackboard itself will also be offline from 1AM-5AM during this period for server maintenance. This is a change from the initial expectation for the maintenance window when Blackboard anticipated only email downtime. As previously mentioned, this update also involves the upgrading of the Managed Hosting email relay servers, previously described in this news article. Email sent by users through Blackboard between 12:01 AM and 6AM on January 30, 2015 will not be sent nor queued for later processing. Faculty and student users are advised to email directly through Gmail if communication during this maintenance window is essential. Email sent directly through Gmail is not affected by the Blackboard maintenance.
In preparation for this downtime:
- Instructors: Please refrain from assigning any work that is due on Blackboard during this maintenance time. When the system is offline, students cannot submit their work.
- Students: Please be sure to save or submit any work before this time. Any unsaved or unsubmitted work will immediately be lost when the system shuts down.
After Blackboard is back online, please clear your Internet browser cache and cookies before logging in using these step-by-step instructions. We appreciate your patience as we continue to improve our systems and bring you a better Blackboard experience.
Posted: January 23, 2015, 12:54 PM