DoIT Seeks Campus Feedback Through IT User Survey
Annual Technology Assessment Available Until 5/15
As part of our annual assessment plan, the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) encourages the campus community to complete the following annual survey of information technology services:
This brief (10 minute max), anonymous survey will help us in our planning for academic year 2015-16 and provides important feedback to understand what technology services are important to you and how well we are meeting your needs. The survey results are shared with our governance committees and used in our planning for the upcoming year.
If you have any questions about this survey or need more information, please contact our Technology Support Center (TSC) located on the first floor of the library or call 410.455.3838.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance. Your input is critically important in shaping the services we offer.
Posted: April 7, 2015, 7:42 AM