Kudos to Tom Penniston on New Book Chapter
DoIT would like to recognize its own Tom Penniston on the publication of the book chapter “Service Learning and the Acquisition of Social Capital in the Community College Setting.” For this project, Penniston and co-author Amy Pucino conducted interview research to investigate how service-learning participation helps community-college students develop formal and informal relationships and access resources, such as letters of recommendation.
The findings of the research highlight the connections students forge through participation in service-learning. “When students stepped out of their comfort zones, they were able to build and connect with social capital, which may be of special importance to community-college students” (Pucino & Penniston 2014). Penniston, who earned his Ph.D. from UMBC in 2014, believes these experiences support students’ academic and professional success.
You can check out the complete book here.
Posted: June 23, 2015, 11:07 AM