There's Been a Change in Schedule: A New Tool for Students
How collaboration brought the Schedule Planner to UMBC
It was several years ago that UMBC students decided that the best tool for them to utilize would be a 'schedule builder'. They created a custom program that would look at the list of classes being offered for the semester and block out certain times to help make the perfect schedule.
By word of mouth, the schedule builder spread around the campus but the group of students graduated and did not maintain support for the product.
“We sought a more holistic solution…”
Arnold Foelster, Director for Enterprise Applications, was just one of the several people who helped bring the new Schedule Planner to life. “UMBC looked at the [previous] product and saw great value, however we also found some shortcomings.” Foelster said, “We sought a more holistic solution that had single sign-on, was mobile friendly, and real-time integration with our student system.”
DoIT had been listening to student feedback carefully, with common complaints that registration isn't the best experience it can be and that it doesn't match the needs of today's student.
Image shows a screenshot of an example schedule generated with the tool. In the top right, you can see a “Send to Shopping Cart” option that automates the process of registering for courses, while making a visually appealing layout.
“I couldn’t really stop and get lunch or a snack.”
In the last spring semester, Matthew Titzer, a sophomore in Information Systems, was enrolled in classes back to back, creating a very stressful schedule for him. “I couldn’t really stop and get lunch or a snack.” said Titzer.
After discovering one of his classes was cancelled, Titzer was able to use the Schedule Planner to easily find a new class. “The Scheduler Planner is extremely helpful,” said Titzer, “it has helped me fit a class into my packed schedule.”
Now, thanks to the planner tool, Titzer has more control over his time and highly recommends it for anyone to use. “Generate schedules for your classes to see if you can find a more stress-free schedule.” said Titzer, “I highly recommend it for anyone to use.”
Image shows Ken Baron, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Advising and Student Success, next to a UMBC map. Baron was just one of several people that helped bring the Schedule Planner to UMBC.
“Collaborating with DoIT on the Schedule Planner has been, and will continue to be instrumental.”
Ken Baron, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Advising and Student Success, worked closely with both DoIT and the Registrar’s Office on the tool. Baron said, “Collaborating with DoIT on the Schedule Planner has been, and will continue to be instrumental.”
The Office of Academic and Pre-Professional Advising worked with DoIT to review, test, and evaluate the Schedule Planner so that it suited the needs of students. They also have leveraged UMBC’s Academic Advising Community through demonstrations and feature reviews during Advising Community meetings, specific training sessions and through targeted communications posted on the Advising Community’s myUMBC group.
Image shows UMBC Advising and Orientation day.
“We believe that one of the most dynamic qualities of College Scheduler is its ability to strategically reveal exciting and relevant general education courses.” said Baron. “The College Scheduler has the ability to present a rich array of potential course options that meet the specific needs of students while also highlighting for consideration – a whole host of courses that students may not have considered otherwise.”
Working with DoIT however, was key in delivering a great product. “In particular, DoIT colleagues have taken the time to understand our desire to reduce and eliminate (where possible) the “clerical nature” of certain academic advising tasks.” said Baron.
“Moving away from pen and paper process….is what students and the campus as a whole would like to see.”
The collaborations didn't just stop with Baron though, another key figure was Iman Riddick, Assistant Registrar. Riddick understood the need to enhance the enrollment & registration process for students. She was instrumental in working with a team comprised of Academic Advising and DoIT for the initial setup and soft roll out of the tool during the Summer 2016 orientation.
Image shows student advising underway.
Riddick sees students using this during enrollment periods to find the best possible schedule of classes for each term. “Moving away from the pen and paper process and being able to instantly and easily generate all conflict free schedules possible is what students and the campus as a whole would like to see.” said Riddick.
Riddick also emphasized the role DoIT played with the tool. “DoIT has been very instrumental in the technological set up of our PeopleSoft system and the College Scheduler product.” said Riddick. “The team made sure that all security requirements are met in order to protect the students and UMBC’s systems.
“A step of many in improving the registration process and system…”
Thanks to a strong collaboration from DoIT, Advising, and the Registrar's Office a very useful tool was able to come forth and help enrich student lives. Before, student schedules could be a mess. Now, the new planner tool amends all that, in what Foelster calls a step in the right direction.
“A step of many in improving the registration process and system so that it better meets the needs of not just today’s students, but tomorrow’s students as well.” said Foelster.
Read more about how to use the Schedule Planner here
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Posted: January 24, 2017, 12:19 PM