High-impact OER Mini-Grant Program Webinars Scheduled
Faculty wanted for Maryland Open Source Textbook Initiative
2018 High-impact OER Mini-Grant Program Informational Webinars
The Maryland Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) initiative is seeking proposals for its 2018 High-impact OER Mini-Grant Program to strategically support 2- and 4-year Maryland public higher education institutions' efforts to adopt open educational resources (OER) as a means to greatly reduce textbook costs and address college affordability for students. Sign up for one of this week's informational webinars to learn more about the 2018 program and walk through the application. There will also be Q&A to answer specific questions about course eligibility, proposal ideas, curation of existing OER, and more.
Register for one of this week's webinars (https://goo.gl/forms/m9jfDEJqolRXtaah1):
- Wednesday, Jan. 10th, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
- Friday, Jan. 12th, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Two types of mini-grants will be awarded for Fall 2018 OER implementation: 1) Adopt/Adapt OER ($500 - $1,500) and 2) Scaling OER ($1,500 - $2,500). Proposals must be received by 5 p.m.Eastern Time on Friday, February 2, 2018.
Maryland OER Summit Keynote Video and Other Resources
Access resources from Advancing Postsecondary Student Success Through OER: A Statewide Summit on Open Educational Resources, including the keynote address video and PowerPoint presentation from Cable Green and David Wiley, and handouts, PowerPoint presentations, posters, and additional resources from the OER Summit presenters. To find the resources, go to the “Program” tab on the Summit event page: http://www.usmd.edu/cai/advancing-postsecondary-student-success-through-oer-statewide-summit-open-educational-resources.
Sign Up for the M.O.S.T. Basecamp
To receive the latest news and updates from M.O.S.T., join the M.O.S.T. Basecamp. The M.O.S.T. Basecamp will also connect you with other colleagues in the state adopting and scaling OER and provide you with a place to share resources and best practices. To join, click here: https://3.basecamp.com/3233682/join/MQrvqxBnAFMp.
Posted: January 9, 2018, 12:10 PM