Free Half-Day Virtual Conference on Quality Matters on Feb 9
Gain insight into Active/Applied Research on Online Learning
Quality Matters is offering a free half-day conference on February 9, 2021, focused on research-supported best practices with takeaways to apply in your own work. Listen to experts from the QM community present on Active/Applied Research on Online Learning and Quality Assurance in the space of a single afternoon.
Each session will provide attendees with one or more application-based takeaways and a handout. Topics include:
Session 1 - 1:40 - 2:30 p.m. Eastern
- Developing a Framework for Quality Online Course Videos: What Does the Research Say?
- Student perspective 2.0: Where do we go from here?
- Enhancing Accessibility of Online Courses: Course Development Practices and Tools
Session 2 - 2:40 - 3:30 p.m. Eastern
- Reconstructing the Table: Designing Culturally Affirming Online Learning Communities at an HBCU Through Quality Matters
- Implementing High Impact Practices on Campus and Online: Research, Resources, and Requests
- Building Momentum for QM Implementation at your Institution - Tips for Transitioning
Session 3 - 3:40 - 4:30 p.m. Eastern
- Improving Course Design Quality Through Online Graduate Student Evaluations
- Using Data for Our Continuous Improvement and Yours
- K-12 Teachers & Professional Development Needs: What the Research Uncovered
Session descriptions are available at the conference page. Participants will receive session links via email the day before the conference.
Registration is free, but you must have a QM account affiliated with UMBC.
- Go to the registration page.
- Click Register for Session.
- At the next screen, check the box for the cancellation/refund policy.
- Click continue.
- Enter your email address. QM will check the system for your account.
If you do not have an account, QM will walk you through the process of creating an account.
If you have questions about Quality Matters at UMBC, please open an RT ticket to contact QM Coordinators: Dr. Mariann Hawken or Dr. Susan Biro.
- Fill out the form with your information. When you get to the institution, enter our campus identity EXACTLY as you see here: University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Posted: February 1, 2021, 8:37 AM