DoIT Security

The DoIT Security Group assists all members of the UMBC community with any IT security questions and requests. Many questions can be answered via the submission of a Request Ticket, and, if necessary, a DoIT employee can be contacted for additional assistance.

Submit a Security Ticket

The DoIT Security Group posts notices and articles about threats, scams, and attacks on the IT Security – DoIT myUMBC group. In order to receive information as quickly as possible, we recommend that members of the UMBC community follow our group. Once followed, any new articles and notices will be automatically sent to the subscriber via email and myUMBC notification.

How to Follow

  1. Go to
  2. Make sure you are logged into myUMBC.
  3. Click the Follow button, and select Notifications to All Updates.

Follow DoIT Security


IT Security Notices

Vendor Breaches and Account Compromises

Password Stopped Working? This Might Be Why.

Vendor Breaches and Account Compromises Internet vendors will, at times, suffer data breaches.  Sometimes the service will attempt to contact it’s account holders and other times it won’t. ...

Posted: September 14, 2021, 3:54 PM

Phishing Alert: President Freeman A. Hrabowski impersonator

This Is Not Dr. Hrabowski!

Recently, DOIT received an email from a compromised account at North Central Kansas Technical College(NCKTC) impersonating Dr Hrabowski. The email consisted of a Microsoft word document titled...

Posted: September 13, 2021, 6:28 PM