Procedures for Purchasing a UMBC Owned Computer

Checklist for Purchasing a New Computer


This guide is designed to help you order and deliver a new university-owned computer.


DoIT staff will be happy to walk you through any and all steps of this process as needed, please don’t hesitate to put in an RT ticket with any questions you may have.


Please Note: We will NO longer be shipping machines to people’s homes. 

When you get delivery confirmation:


  • Complete the Return to Campus training course on Blackboard, it can be found by logging in, going to Organizations and scrolling until you see one labeled Return To Campus
  • Request permission through your division head to come to campus, asking for a single visit to pick up equipment for use at home.
  • Let your inventory custodian know your order has been received for a piece of sensitive equipment that will need to be tagged.
  • Enter an RT ticket letting DoIT know that your machine has been delivered and make sure to list any specialized software you would like pre-installed. By default we will install common applications like Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, GlobalProtect VPN, and several others.
  • Contact your inventory custodian so they can create a temporary tag for the machine in the system.
  • Fill out the Sensitive Equipment Home Loan form
  • DoIT will set up a time for you to come to campus and pick up your machine from the Engineering Building, room 020 and meet with a staff member to test the machine before you take it home. This step is critical to the operation of the machine, and cannot be skipped.  

During the on campus visit:

  • Follow all UMBC safety procedures, DoIT staff will maintain proper distancing at all times and have masks and gloves during your visit.
  • Sign into the computer using your UMBC credentials.
  • The DoIT staff member will walk you through several tests to ensure everything is working correctly and answer any questions you may have.
  • Everything will be packed up for you to take home and start using your new computer.


When you get home:

  • Set up your computer in your workspace and attach all power cords, monitors and cables, and Ethernet cables (if necessary).
  • Sign into your computer by using your UMBC credentials.
  • Connect your computer to the internet via Ethernet cable, or to your home’s wireless network.
  • Run Windows Updates (Start Menu > Settings > Updates and Security) or Apple Updates (Apple Menu > System Preferences > Updates) and let the updates install. This could take some time, depending on what updates need to be installed.