Free Webinar Series: Teaching with Blackboard Ultra
Monthly training for faculty, TAs, and staff in SP/SU2023
The Bb Instructor Webinar Series offers free 45-minute webinars designed for instructors who are getting started with teaching using Blackboard Ultra. Topics include getting started, creating assessments, improving engagement, using groups, converting to Ultra, best practices, and using data in Ultra. Get step-by-step instructor and ask questions in these monthly sessions from Blackboard experts.
Multiple dates are offered throughout spring and into mid-summer. Register for one or more sessions.
Blackboard Learn Basics Ultra
This webinar is designed to provide you easy step-by-step instructions on how to upload course content, create discussion boards for students to engage, and provide an overview on the types of online assessments available in Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View.
- February 8 @ 11 AM
- March 22 @ 11 AM
- May 10 @ 11 AM
- June 20 @ 11 AM
Grading and Managing the Gradebook in an Ultra Course
This intermediate session will provide a deeper dive into setting up grading criteria for assessments, utilizing different types of assessments, and creating gradable assignments in Blackboard Learn Ultra Courses.
- February 14 @ 11 AM
- March 28 @ 11 AM
- May 16 @ 11 AM
- June 21 @ 11 AM
Creating Assessments in an Ultra Course
In this session, we will focus on creating different assessments and assignments in Blackboard Learn Ultra courses. We will outline the steps to create an assessment or an assignment, including selecting different options in grade settings.
- February 16 @ 11 AM
- March 30 @ 11 AM
- May 18 @ 11 AM
- June 22 @ 11 AM
Improving Student Engagement Ultra
Discover how utilizing tools within Learn Ultra can encourage meaningful engagement among students. between your students and you, and with the content itself! In this session, we'll examine how to effectively use discussion boards, class conversations, interactive lectures, and other Learn Ultra tools to foster student engagement in your course. We will also explore different ways to promote communication and collaboration among your students to get them involved and to keep them engaged in online classes.
- February 22 @ 11 AM
- April 12 @ 11 AM
- May 24 @ 11 AM
- June 27 @ 11 AM
Using Groups in Blackboard Learn Ultra
Collaborative learning offers many benefits over traditional instruction. Studies show that when students work as a team, they develop positive attitudes, solve problems more effectively, and experience a greater sense of accomplishment. This intermediate session will show you how to use the Groups tool in Blackboard Learn Ultra to facilitate student collaboration and enhance student engagement in your course.
- February 28 @ 11 AM
- April 18 @ 11 AM
- May 30 @ 11 AM
- June 28 @ 11 AM
Ultra Advantage -- Converting Original to Ultra
It's time for a little Spring clean-up! Let's look at suggestions on how to effectively clean-up, reorganize, and sort through the content in your Learn Original course before bringing all the content over to the Learn Ultra course. This webinar is designed to provide tips and tricks on streamlining the conversion over to the Learn Ultra courses.
- March 2 @ 11 AM
- April 20 @ 11 AM
- June 1 @ 11 AM
- June 29 @ 11 AM
Blackboard Learn Ultra Best Practices
Now that we know the buttons to click to create and setup many of the online learning tools, let's take a step back and determine what are the features of each of the tools and what are some of the best practices to use them in facilitating our online courses. These sessions will take on more of a pedagogical nature to assist in readying your course and yourself to enhancing the teaching and learning of your students. The sessions will coalesce around the lifecycle of each tool including instructor creation and considerations, student completion, instructor grading, and finally the student accessing their grade. Think broadly in terms of groups, assignments, assessments, journals, and discussion boards -- how can I make these more effective for me and for my students.
- March 8 @ 11 AM
- April 26 @ 11 AM
- June 7 @ 11 AM
- July 5 @ 11 AM
Using Data in Ultra
This webinar will focus on data and analytics available throughout the Ultra Course. We will guide instructors through the assignment analytics, student progress analytics, and course data accessible throughout Ultra.
- March 16 @ 11 AM
- May 4 @ 11 AM
- June 15 @ 11 AM
All webinars will be recorded and emailed to you after the session. Even if you can't attend live, please register for a Live Webinar so you can receive the recording.
For more information about Ultra at UMBC, please visit
Posted: February 3, 2023, 10:47 AM