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New Course Management Features in Poll Everywhere

Streamlined access to courses and activities

Update: This feature is postponed by the vendor to allow UMBC to review and verify functionality. Additional information about availability will be provided to the campus as soon as possible.

In late August 2024, Poll Everywhere will launch a new course management feature to simplify how instructors use polling and to improve the process to synchronize grade data back to the Blackboard gradebook.

Using a dedicated icon within the Poll Everywhere interface, this feature allows faculty to create and manage polling activities for their courses. Specific Course Management functions include:

Image 1: Example of new Poll Everywhere Course Management page

The feature will be turned off initially and will require each instructor to activate it to turn it on for their accounts. You must set up your Blackboard course with Poll Everywhere before you can use this feature. Once the Blackboard course is synchronized with Poll Everywhere, the Course Management icon will appear.

Poll Everywhere Resources

For Attendance Management resources, please see our FAQ articles:

For additional Poll Everywhere information, please see our Poll Everywhere FAQ collections:

Connect with Instructional Technology

As always, if you have any questions about teaching, learning, and technology at UMBC, please consider the following options:

Thumbnail: Poll Everywhere Logo

Posted: August 13, 2024, 12:45 PM