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Sign Up for Free Training on Respondus Tools in September

LockDown Browser, Monitor and Respondus 4.0 Exam Creation

Respondus is offering free training webinars on the following tools:
LockDown Browser, Respondus Monitor,  and Respondus 4.
See the dates, times and descriptions for each event below:

Instructor Training: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor

This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use

LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session 

provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including new enhancements 

that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

This in-depth training for LockDown Browser will focus on advanced settings and features

 – such as how to use external websites, spreadsheets and online calculators with 

LockDown Browser. The session will also include how students can use LockDown Browser 

on different devices, such as an iPad, and best practices for instructors and students. The 

webinar will include a Q&A period at the end.

Quickly Create Online Exams: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network

Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed 

to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables 

instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

Learn more about these free training webinars at

Posted: August 27, 2019, 12:16 PM