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Covid-19 Contact Tracing Scams

Contact Tracing Scammers Are Still Active

With Covid-19 still very present in our day to day lives, many states have started to roll out contact tracing programs to help control the spread of disease. This is done by informing people who...

Posted: September 9, 2020, 7:52 PM

Job Scam "Internship" From A Compromised UMBC Account

Check The "Reply-To" Address

The job scam below was recently reported to DoIT. The subject of the email is just “Internship” and has a very short message as can be seen below. The name and email of the from and to fields were...

Posted: September 9, 2020, 7:42 PM

FAKE Offer Of A "Personal Assistant" Job

NOTICE: "Ryan Glenn" Does NOT Want To Hire You.

In the last several days, the UMBC community has received thousands of fake job offers from "Ryan Glenn".  An example is shown below: You are eligible to apply for an opening as...

Posted: August 31, 2020, 3:01 PM

Fake Cisco Phishing Job Scams

Cisco Systems Is NOT Offering You A Job In A Mass Emailing!

DoIT has been notified of another malicious actor sending out phishing emails claiming to offer job opportunities with Cisco Systems. The email below is similar to the previous phishing attempts,...

Posted: August 31, 2020, 2:06 PM

Job Scam “Offer” From A Compromised UMBC Account

Fake Job Offer For "Online Personal Assistant"

Recently the DoIT has been notified of a job scam using a compromised UMBC email account to send out fake job offers. An example of the email (with the name of the sender removed for privacy) is...

Posted: August 31, 2020, 2:01 PM

Tips to Avoid ID Theft on Campus

Simple Ways To Secure Your Identity

With classes starting back up, malicious actors will try even harder to steal people's information or commit Identity theft. The article that is linked below has some tips for college students to...

Posted: August 31, 2020, 1:58 PM

“WorkStudy Update!” Job Phishing Scam

Same Scam, Different Details

The UMBC DoIT has been notified of a compromised UMBC account used to send out phishing emails. An example of the email chain is shown below. The name and email address of the compromised UMBC...

Posted: August 31, 2020, 1:54 PM

“WorkStudy Offer!” Job Phishing Scam

Compromised UMBC Exploited To Send Fake Job Offer

DoIT was notified today of a scammer sending out emails claiming to be offering a job opportunity. The message came from a compromised Umbc email account, so the From name was removed for privacy...

Posted: August 26, 2020, 11:24 PM

Phishing Email from Fake UMBC IT Desk

Phsihing Attack Sent To Over 1000 UMBC Accounts

A compromised UMBC account was used to send phishing emails to over 1200 other UMBC accounts today. These malicious emails, claiming to be from the “UMBC IT Desk,” contained a link to a fake...

Posted: August 24, 2020, 4:00 PM

Account data breach: Zoosk (2020)

Credentials Breach Report

In January 2020, Zoosk 2020, an online dating service, suffered a data breach. This breach contained 24 million users data that was posted online. The user information includes dates of birth,...

Posted: August 24, 2020, 1:00 PM