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Blackboard Courses Scheduled for Retirement from Server

AY12-13 & AY13-14 Courses to be Retired

During the summer of 2016, Blackboard archived our complete site, which saved individually backed-up copies of every course and organization through SP2016. As previously announced, courses from...

Posted: October 7, 2016, 12:23 PM

Blackboard Course Archive In Progress

AY12-13 & AY13-14 Courses to be Retired from Server

Throughout summer 2016, Blackboard will archive the following terms from our Blackboard server: Fall 2012 Winter 2013 Spring 2013 Summer 2014 Fall 2013 Winter 2014 Spring 2014 Summer 2014...

Posted: June 10, 2016, 10:50 AM