All Personal & Dept. Purchases Will Be Made Online
To The Campus Community,
During this academic year, staff from DoIT, the Bookstore and the Library have been considering a change in how the campus buys Apple computers. Specifically, we are announcing that on June 1 (and pending clearance of the Bookstore’s existing Apple inventory), DoIT will manage a new Apple on Campus (AOC) store that is conducted completely online for personal and department purchases. In addition, DoIT will provide other services designed to complement computer purchase and ownership including the following:
Consulting & Support
Any student, faculty or staff member interested in purchasing or getting the most out of an Apple computer can meet with knowledgeable DoIT staff in our Technology Support Center (TSC) located on the 1st floor of the Library next to the Retriever Learning Center (RLC). Individuals will still make their own purchases through the online Apple Store for education, but DoIT staff can help advise on configurations, or provide support on how to use or troubleshoot their current Apple devices. Department purchases will also be completed online using a PCard or purchase order (PO). In either case, anyone can try out an Apple computer at the TSC’s technology demo table or through the Library’s Laptop Loaner service (subject to availability).
Service & Repair
If consulting & support can’t solve a problem, DoIT will now provide service repairs for any Apple computer owned by UMBC students, faculty, staff or departments that is under warranty. Just bring the unit to the TSC, which will help triage the nature of the problem and coordinate the service repair request. Like any IT support request, individuals will be able to track the status of the service repair through a Request Tracker (RT) ticket confirmation email or by going to They can also get a loaner unit until the repair is complete.
Why The Change?
When DoIT’s Help Desk became the Technology Support Center and moved from the basement of Engineering to the Library 1st floor in 2011, we did so to become a more visible, central destination for all basic IT support. Coupled with changes in consumer and institutional purchasing that are increasingly done online, we feel this change complements DoIT’s own strategy for IT support. While campus users may still go elsewhere for their individual Apple purchases, we feel the combination of visibility, consulting, service, repair and loaner options makes sense for the campus at this time. For more information, visit the TSC in the Library or call 410.455.3838. Also, please note: the last day to order from the Bookstore and assure delivery for pickup there will be Monday, May 22.
Finally, we want to personally thank Bob Somers and Cliff Coleman from the Bookstore for being good stewards of the UMBC Apple Store since its inception in 1985 and partnering with DoIT on this transition. We have also appreciated theirs and Library Director Patrick Dawson’s collaboration as we discussed how to change the store’s model going forward.Posted: May 8, 2017, 4:51 PM