
Tom Penniston Promoted to Coordinator of Learning Analytics

Also accepted into competitive LA institute at NC State

I am pleased to announce that Tom Penniston has accepted a new position as DoIT’s Coordinator of Learning Analytics.  In his new role, Tom will continue and extend his work to leverage...

Posted: May 16, 2022, 10:23 AM

How likely is it that a student will graduate in six years?

Early predictions give us more time to help!

The Data Science Team recently released its set of predictions for the 6-year graduation probabilities of the 2020 Freshman cohort. Below is a snapshot of the current cohort's predictions, in...

Posted: March 16, 2022, 9:24 AM

How likely is it that a student will graduate in six years?

Early predictions give us more time to help!

The Data Science Team recently released its set of predictions for the 6-year graduation probabilities of the 2020 Freshman cohort. Below is a snapshot of the current cohort's predictions, in...

Posted: March 16, 2022, 9:20 AM

HelioCampus Update #4: Current status and next steps

What you need to know in a 3-minute read

The February 14th meeting agenda of the Data Management Committee featured an update on the status of the Helio Campus Implementation and the project plan.  That update, in the form of a one-page...

Posted: March 8, 2022, 8:45 AM

Assessing our use of data & promoting the student experience

What we've been up to in a five minute read!

The Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Student Success Technologies Group is part of the Provost;s Office and the Division of Information Technology.  Our component parts include the Business...

Posted: March 3, 2022, 8:03 AM