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Avoiding COVID-19 Contact Tracing Scams

How To Spot The Scammers

Contact tracing is an integral part of the fight against COVID-19.  It speeds response, identifies potential hot spots, and focuses testing efforts.  Unfortunately, it also creates an opportunity...

Posted: July 13, 2020, 3:42 PM

How to Spot a Scam

Follow the Three Golden Rules

Scammers are always inventing new ways to exploit people. However, some of the basic tactics don’t change much. The Cybercrime Support Network (CSN), in partnership with Google, has set up the...

Posted: June 19, 2020, 2:07 PM

How to Spot a Scam

Follow the Three Golden Rules

Scammers are always inventing new ways to exploit people. However, some of the basic tactics don’t change much. The Cybercrime Support Network (CSN), in partnership with Google, has set up the...

Posted: June 19, 2020, 12:25 PM

IRS Warning of COVID-19 Scams

Financial Scammers Taking Advantage Of COVID-19 Uncertainty

With COVID-19 present in our day to day lives, malicious actors are taking this opportunity to scam people out of their personal and financial information. Recently the IRS Criminal Investigation...

Posted: June 19, 2020, 10:22 AM

Fake Virus Alert Scam

Scareware doesn’t just exploit panic, it creates panic

You are working from home, web browser open to whatever resources you need to write a paper, prepare a class, review a budget, or whatever else you need to get your job done.  Suddenly a window...

Posted: June 15, 2020, 4:25 PM