Using FAQs to Help Users Help Themselves
A SIGUCCS Webinar "Simulcast" on Campus
Engineering : 023
Date & Time
April 8, 2016, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Four years ago, UMBC’s “tier 1” Technology Support Center (formerly Help Desk) moved from the basement of the Engineering building to the first floor of our new Information Commons in the Library. Since then, the TSC has virtually reinvented itself by also focusing on helping users help themselves. We completely revamped our campus knowledgebase that has grown from 3k annual page views to more than 400k. As a result, support phone calls have been reduced 30% and ticket volume has decreased 3% (since FY10) or remained flat while all other campus support requests have skyrocketed through widespread adoption of our RT (Request Tracker) ticketing system.
Note: This is a free, on-campus only "simulcast" of a live webinar by the Special Interest Group - University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS), which is reprising a popular workshop and proceedings paper by John Fritz and Andrea Mocko presented at the SIGUCCS 2015 annual meeting. For more information on this webinar registration (free to SIGUCCS members), visit