Lights, Camera, Action! Lecture Capture with Panopto
Join this hands-on collaboration & learn more!
Engineering : 102
Date & Time
November 7, 2019, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
One in four students take some of their courses online, and two-thirds do so at a public institution (Allen, Seaman, Pouline, & Straut, 2016). In early November, UMBC celebrates National Distance Learning Week (NDLW) with a series of lunchtime conversations.
Sometimes it’s just easier to show than tell. Using Panopto, faculty can capture and narrate anything they see on their computers, and then publish an online screencast movie tutorial or mini-lecture for students to watch and replay on their own time.
Adopted in 2018, Panopto provides multiple recording and editing options for the video and audio output and cloud-based video storage for new and pre-existing media content. It is available for both Original and Ultra courses.
Bring your laptop to this hands-on workshop! Lunch will be provided to all registered participants. Click “I Can Attend” below to reserve your seat for this session. Please email mariannhawken at umbc dot edu with any dietary restrictions. The deadline to register for this event is NOON on Friday, November 1st.
Online Option
DoIT will stream this session: The Collaborate session link is posted to the comments below.