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Reminder: HPCF User Meeting this Friday

Friday 01/28/2022 11:00-12:00

This is just a reminder of our user meeting this Friday, 01/28/2022, 11:00-12:00. The following is the original post with more details.

For PIs, you may want to alert also other users in your group to make sure the information does not get missed.

Dear taki Users, dear colleagues, dear students,

I am writing as chair of the governance committee and faculty-lead for the user support in HPCF.

First of all, I am glad that you are all users of our system! We hope that it is useful to you and enables you to conduct more research.

Then as general reminders:

- For all, please send me citations for papers and theses (undergrad, Master's, PhD)! This is for our HPCF Publications webpage and our most important documentation of the success of HPCF.

- For PIs, you might want to review the users who have access to your group's data. These are the users in your Unix group. You can see the usernames of all from the output of the "getent group" command; to see your own group's users only, pipe the output into the grep command.  For instance, for me with username gobbert, my group is pi_gobbert, so I issue the command "getent group | grep pi_gobbert". The point is that some of your students may have graduated or some previous collaborators are not active any more.

- For PIs, if you could, review which projects we list for your group.  Maybe you have new/additional ones (or maybe we failed to post ones that you submitted). Just send me the title, abstract, and people involved.

Finally, the real point of this message is that I am offering to meet with all interested in an online user meeting. Rough agenda:

1. Welcome, thank-you, introductions of HPCF staff and all attendees.

2. Review of the HPCF webpage, in particular, of the systems available.

3. Overview of ongoing projects to improve documentation (Matlab, R).

4. Collection of technical questions and comments on the existing systems.

5. Collection of suggestions for the future.

6. If needed, meeting of PIs only.

The meeting will be on Friday before the start of the spring 2022 semester, that is, Friday 01/28/2022, 11:00-12:00, online in my personal room at https://umbc.webex.com/meet/gobbert

Thank you all,

Matthias Gobbert, Math & Stat, gobbert@umbc.edu,
chair, HPCF Governance Committee


Posted: January 26, 2022, 10:37 AM