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New REX Report: Weekly Utilization Rates for Rooms

Folder : Curriculum Management > Room

This new report allows departments or colleges to see how well their rooms are being utilized.  There are a few key metrics in the report.
  • % Time Utilization
    • How well is the room being used for the given time period?  
    • The number of hours a room is scheduled per week divided by the number of available hours for a week within the selected time range.
  • % Potential Seat Utilization
    • How well are the section capacities aligned with the room capacities?
    • Potential seats are the enrollment capacity for a section or meeting.  
    • This utilization rate is the enrollment capacity divided by the room capacity.  
  • % Actual Seat Utilization
    • How well are the section enrollments aligned with the room capacities?
    • Actual seats are the enrollment for a section or meeting.  
    • This utilization rate is the enrollment divided by the room capacity.  
  • % Room Utilization
    • How well is the room using its time and how well are the seats being used?
    • The % Time Utilization multiplied by the % Actual Seat Utilization.  
The report shows aggregate numbers for UMBC, each college and then departments and down to each room for each department.  The vertical lines in the charts are the expected targets, with red lines indicating values below target.  By clicking the "+ Meeting Details" column header, you can see more details about the actual course sections in each room and their meeting times.

This report can be accessed by going to rex.umbc.edu, clicking on 'Guided Reports', then navigating to the folders mentioned above.

Posted: February 4, 2022, 1:16 PM