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Reminder: HPCF User Meeting Friday 01/26/2024

10:00 am in Math/Psyc 102/103 and Webex

Dear Colleagues and all users of HPCF,

Reminder for user meeting with Webex link
(i) user meeting Fri 01/26/2024 10:00 in MP102/103,
(ii) send publication info!


To start with item (ii), since it is really the most important, please always remember to send me the citation of publications that we can list on the HPCF webpage!

User meeting:

The purpose of this -- perfectly voluntary -- user meeting is just to offer help if anyone can profit from in-person communication or to get to know other users. It's just a personal offer from me.

The meeting is Friday 01/26/2024 at 10:00, which is the Friday before semester start. I will be in the physical location Math/Pysc 102 or 103, depending on crowd size, but the meeting will also be in Webex and recorded.

The Webex link is, and I hope I did this correctly,

If you want to contact me, e-mail gobbert@umbc.edu (do not just hit reply if you get this via mail.

Matthias Gobbert, Math & Stat, gobbert@umbc.edu

Posted: January 25, 2024, 7:49 PM