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Collecting Interest: Meeting on Spring 2024 HW Purchase

To all HCPF Users,

Given interest in a new hardware purchase to extend the taki HPC, we would like to convene a meeting of those faculty interested in contributing to a community purchase in the coming weeks. The goal of this meeting would be to quickly review HW options and discuss topics ranging from desired machine specifications, purchase timeline, desired number of machines, and language we would like to distribute to departments and colleges to find other potential contributors ahead of the purchase.

Please email me at roy.prouty@umbc.edu by Wednesday February 7 at 1200 ET if you are interested in attending such a meeting.

Note: You may be receiving this message in duplicate. Identical postings were made to the HPCF myUMBC Group and sent to the ada HPC PI List.

Posted: January 30, 2024, 9:29 AM