Skype Video Conference Room Established
Over the last year we have seen a number of academic and administrative departments begin to use Skype video conferencing service to interview candidates for positions at UMBC or graduate students applying for admission.
To aid in this effort, DoIT has set up a Skype-enabled conference room in Engineering 024. This room has 55" display with a web-camera, remote microphone, and speakers. This room can accommodate a search committee of 6-10 participating in the conference.
This equipment can be reserved utilizing the AV Services Request form located at . Users will need to bring their own laptop to attach to the system (Skype loaded on the laptop) or reserve a laptop from AV Services using the same AV Services Request form. AV services will be glad to work with you to provide technical support in setting up the video conference. For further information, contact AV Services at 5-2461.
Posted: December 6, 2013, 6:53 PM