Blackboard on Tour: October 20
Free one-day event for faculty & students
Due to an unforeseen logistical issue, Blackboard has moved this event to October 20. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to seeing you in October.
Blackboard is going on tour and coming to the Baltimore area for a free teaching & learning day! This event is an official stop on the national Bb on Tour.
Hosted by Towson University, this event will take place on Wednesday, October 20. [original date: September 17]
The agenda highlights include:
- Dynamic Presentations: given by your fellow peers in the Maryland and DC area on their best practices.
- Breakout Sessions: robust multi-track breakout sessions for Higher Education, and Learn & Collaborate users.
- Ask the Expert Stations: sit down, one-on-one, with Blackboard technical experts and get your questions answered.
- Feedback Sharing: help shape the future of Blackboard products by sharing your feedback in person and tell Blackboard about your needs and concerns.
- Partner Interaction Zone: from content providers, media and technology companies to system integrators and more, Blackboard is bringing a select group of partners on tour. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with them.
- Expanded Higher Education Faculty Track: hear about new ideas and learn best practices to increase efficiency, improve student engagement and further enhance your skills on creating engaging content to meet course objectives.
Register for free today! We look forward to seeing you!
Posted: August 26, 2014, 11:29 AM