Spring Clean Your "My Courses" List in Blackboard
Blackboard now supports term organization
Whether teaching or taking courses, after semesters of enrollments and access to Blackboard, the My Courses list can really stack up. While faculty and students can edit the listing to remove courses they do not want to see and resort the order, the list itself produces a huge block of text.

Term organization, however, provides a logical organizational structure for sorting courses by semester. Terms are collapsible so the My Courses list can be quickly reduced to a set of very important links on the My Blackboard dashboard.

Additional sorting options include course development, training and beta testing. If a course is not associated to a term, it will appear under the No Term Assigned category.
Organizations may also be sorted into terms. These include shared governance, committees, and university orgs. For these specialized options, instructors, organization leaders, and staff must open an RT ticket to request alignment to the terms.
As of April 2015, all courses except SP2015 are sorted into their corresponding terms on the managed hosting site. The current semester's courses will be aligned to the SP2015 term at the end of May.
Posted: April 21, 2015, 11:58 AM