Population Term Summary report
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New report : Population Term Summary
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This report is intended to provide a visual display of the demographics and academic data related to the populations you manage in a given term, and allow comparison to the UMBC population. There are 3 different displays of the data on separate pages, accessible via the boxes at the top of the report.
- Summary - The first page is a graphic summary of the most requested data related to various populations
- Comparison - The second page is a comparison of the percentage of each value for the selected population vs the percentage for UMBC as a whole.
- Counts - The third page shows the numbers and percentages for each value for various data
Some of the possible populations supported
- Students with a plan in a College or Department
- Students enrolled in particular Subject or Course
- Student groups
- Extracurricular Activities
Typical questions this report can address
- For my student group, what does the demographic profile look like? For example, % Pell eligible or female
- For my majors, how many are under-represented minorities?
- For students taking my class, what are the average SAT scores and High School GPA?
- How does the percentage of transfers in my college compare with the percentage of UMBC overall?
Coming soon.
- Housing - on campus vs off-campus
- First Generation - Yes or no based on applications data
- Separate report for detail records suitable for export to Excel. The current report is optimized for PDF or printing and is not recommended for exporting to Excel.
Posted: May 15, 2017, 10:51 AM