USM to Convene Summit on Adaptive Tools for Online Courses
Learn about the ins and outs of adaptive courseware on 7/16!
The USM Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation is hosting a day-long virtual summit to introduce participants to the ins and outs of adaptive courseware. Sessions will include lessons learned from faculty users, vendor demos, “birds of a feather” break-outs by discipline and role, and a closing plenary focused on pedagogical uses of adaptive courseware.
Adaptive Tools for High-enrollment Online Courses: Improving the COVID-19 Learning Experience for Students and Faculty
A virtual summit organized by the USM Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation
Thursday, July 16, 2020, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Participants in the summit will have a chance to learn about an array of adaptive technologies from organizations such as Lumen Learning, Carnegie Mellon’s Online Learning Initiative (OLI), CogBooks, RealizeIt, and McGraw Hill ALEKS. Faculty users will share lessons learned about these tools and delve into how adaptive courseware has helped them to support student success.
The Summit will be geared toward high-enrollment (large lecture, multi-section) courses for which high-quality, adaptive courseware exists: General education, introductory courses in the major, and first-year experience and other transitions courses.
Event Details:
- When: Thursday, July 16, 2020, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
- Where: Kirwan Center-hosted virtual meetings in Zoom
- Who should attend: USM faculty, instructional designers, faculty developers, and administrators
- Cost: Free to USM faculty & staff
Planned Program Highlights:
- Opening Framing
- Meet the Courseware: Choose from among sessions to hear faculty stories and view vendor demos based on your interests/discipline.
- “Birds of a Feather” Brown Bag Lunch by disciplinary area
- Closing Plenary: Using Adaptive Courseware for to Improve the Learning Experience for Students and Faculty
Posted: June 23, 2020, 11:14 AM