Prepare for Snow Days with Blackboard & Other Tools
Winterize your course for Mother Nature's drop-in visit
In the event of heavy snow or other emergency when classes cannot meet, UMBC faculty can choose from several tools and technologies to support teaching and learning. Online delivery methods offer many good alternative for supporting missed classroom time.
Blackboard Learn supports three core components:
- With Content Management, faculty can upload course materials & handouts; post presentations, share links & resources. Faculty can also embed YouTube videos or record with a webcam to embed video anywhere in the course.
- Faculty can also support Communication, Collaboration and other Student Engagement. Continue course discussions in Blackboard, send email, post announcements, or manage small group activities.
- With Assessment and Grade Management tools, faculty can distribute & collect assignments, grade electronically, deliver tests, and maintain a gradebook -- all in one central location.
Faculty may wish to use more than just Blackboard on a snow day. Other tools available include:
Posted: February 16, 2015, 1:24 PM