Project Management Office (PMO)

DoIT’s Project Management Office (PMO) was established to coordinate, oversee, and provide stewardship of IT-related portfolio and project management. The objective of the PMO is to:

  • Provide Project Management services and oversight for select IT projects
  • Set the standard, provide the tools, and be the resident advocate and model for good Project Management practices
  • Align project activity with UMBC’s strategic plan
  • Provide project updates and reports to DoIT and campus leaders

The DoIT PMO uses Smartsheet to track projects and portfolio management. DoIT’s Project Management Principles can be found here, including definitions of projects and information about the initiation process. Smartsheet FAQs can be found here.


Contact us at with any questions.


Recent Project Updates

Showing items tagged notice. Show All

Account data breach: Nitro

Digital Document Service Breached

In September 2020, a Portable Document Format(PDF) file and digital document service, Nitro, suffered a data breach. This breach contained data for approximately 78 million customers and was...

Posted: September 14, 2021, 4:04 PM

Account data breach: Romwe

Online Fashion Site Breached

In June 2018, an online fashion website, Romwe, suffered a data breach. This breach has data for approximately 20 million customers. The data was sold online. The customer information includes...

Posted: September 14, 2021, 4:00 PM

Vendor Breaches and Account Compromises

Password Stopped Working? This Might Be Why.

Vendor Breaches and Account Compromises Internet vendors will, at times, suffer data breaches.  Sometimes the service will attempt to contact it’s account holders and other times it won’t. ...

Posted: September 14, 2021, 3:54 PM

Phishing Alert: President Freeman A. Hrabowski impersonator

This Is Not Dr. Hrabowski!

Recently, DOIT received an email from a compromised account at North Central Kansas Technical College(NCKTC) impersonating Dr Hrabowski. The email consisted of a Microsoft word document titled...

Posted: September 13, 2021, 6:28 PM

Email marketing and the User-Agent-String

When What Looks Like Phishing Is Just Spam

Recently, DOIT received multiple reports of suspicious messages about student loans from email addresses with the format <>. The recipients of these messages marked them...

Posted: September 13, 2021, 2:45 PM