Getting Help With Data, Analytics, and Reports

New and Improved!

Almost everyone has found themselves in a position where they need to ask a question, but aren’t sure who they should ask or how to ask it.  It can be frustrating (and inefficient) to ask several people for the same thing with the hope that one of them can help.

The Analytics and Data Science team, IRADS, and the REX team have made some simple changes to take the confusion out of asking for help with reports, analytics, or data requests.  We’ve added links to the sites people generally go to find data.  Look for a link that says “REQUEST HELP WITH DATA, REPORTS, OR ANALYTICS.”   Clicking on that link takes you to a page which helps you to refine your request and to make sure the proper people see it.  The requests become part of the familiar campus RT ticketing system.

Here’s what happens when you submit a ticket.  Your request automatically becomes part of a queue reviewed by the Data Warehouse Group at its regular Friday meetings.  At that meeting, your request is triaged, the appropriate member of the group is assigned to be responsible for it, and a due date is assigned.  It will be tracked until it’s closed.  

Not sure exactly what to ask?  Look for my favorite link “None of the above fit or I don’t know how to ask for what I need  Our teams will work with you to help you define your question and help you get an answer.  

The enhanced analytics, data, and report request system takes the worry about who to ask off your plate, and the RT ticket you generate takes away the worry about your request slipping through the cracks or being lost in an email inbox.

Robert Carpenter       
Deputy CIO, Division of Information Technology
Associate Provost, Division of Academic Affairs UMBC

Posted: February 2, 2021, 12:54 PM